Emily has always wanted to be on a game show and so she organized a skip day where we went to a taping of the New Price Is Right with Drew Carey. Our friends Rob and Terri also came along.
After arriving at the CBS studios downtown early in the morning, sitting around for a couple of hours, then getting processed, herded, interviewed, then herded some more, finally we were seated in the studio ready for the show to start. This was after nearly 5 hours.
Then the show began. It was lightning fast how quickly it all happened, and what occurred next was just a blur...
Emily was the FIRST named called out of the audience. She remained in "contestant's row" for two rounds, then on the third bid she won! A really, kinda' ugly bar set...
She went up on stage, met Drew, and played the putt-putt golf pricing game. She got all the prices right, and got to putt from about a foot away from the hole. And for that one foot she was Tiger Woods (I dunno any LPGA golfers to reference) and she made the hole, and won a 2008 Ford Explorer! The place went nuts.
It was surreal.
She then moved onto the Big Wheel round, but ended up going out and not making it into the final showcase - which was fine, the Explorer was the best item to win that they had on the show.
The episode won't air until November 27th. I'll post more with images after it airs. But for now, it's still freaky and seems like it almost didn't happen.
But it did.
Oh, one last thing... before the show, while we were waiting to get herded into the studio, Emily and I were interviewed by 20/20 about The Price Is Right, Drew being the new host, etc.

I forgot to mention that Emily also won $500 for guessing all the prices correctly and won a year's supply of Oxyclean. Woo-hoo!
It was a good day.
It's important enough that it should be repeated - always keep your putt putt golf skills sharp. You never know when they'll come in handy...
I think that's the big lesson of the day, you never know when minature golf, bar billiards, or bowling might win you something big... or save your life!
Congratulations Tom! So which car are you going to keep? Definitely keep me posted on the air date of Emily's show.
Wow. That is so great. Can you pass some Oxyclean this way. I love that stuff.
Dude, whaddya mean "kinda ugly" bar set? That thing is visual torture. It violates the Geneva Convention. I bet they'd snap it up for use down at GitMo.
::is hyperbolic::
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